Tedx Lesson #1: An idea worth spreading is an idea worth surrendering to

One of the most powerful lessons I learned from my Tedx experience is how one idea can radically transform your life…if you allow it. When I applied to speak at TedxBend, I wanted to talk about the Inner Voice. I had been kicking around the idea for a couple years prior to that of applying […]

This changed everything for me

I’ve been practicing what I preach by coming into alignment with my own design, (it’s an ongoing process after all!) and as I have been doing what I teach my clients to do, things are working and going more smoothly as I get more and more in alignment – more clients, more income, more clarity, […]

How To Work Small Range For Huge Gains

Successful people choose to do mostly small and seemingly inconsequential actions everyday that bring them closer to their dreams that 95% of people don’t, or won’t, choose to do. I love my Barre 3 class. (I promise this story will relate to your business & mindset and not just about my abs!) If you’ve never […]

My Gift to you: Two Chapters of my new book!

You are the first folks to get a sneak peek at my book:  Life Well Spoken: Free Your Inner Voice & Prosper. In lieu of an article, I’ll let the chapters speak for themselves!  Look below to complete the webform and your chapters will be on the way to you… If you would like to […]