Tedx Lesson #1: An idea worth spreading is an idea worth surrendering to

One of the most powerful lessons I learned from my Tedx experience is how one idea can radically transform your life…if you allow it. When I applied to speak at TedxBend, I wanted to talk about the Inner Voice. I had been kicking around the idea for a couple years prior to that of applying […]

What Is Your New Year’s Revolution?

Resolutions seem so tired, worn-out. Over-used and under-fulfilled. Sometimes what is needed is a full-blown REVOLUTION*. Here are some ideas for you to consider in your own personal revolution: Stop doing everything that you hate doing. Especially the things you feel obligated to do. Here’s a radical bonus shot you can use to truly discern […]

This changed everything for me

I’ve been practicing what I preach by coming into alignment with my own design, (it’s an ongoing process after all!) and as I have been doing what I teach my clients to do, things are working and going more smoothly as I get more and more in alignment – more clients, more income, more clarity, […]

Do you treat your dreams like spiders?

I talk to a lot of people and most of them have at least an inkling, perhaps tucked away safely in their heart for years, of what they feel called to do – or would like to do if they knew they couldn’t fail. This inkling, or divine spark of an idea, keeps bubbling up […]

Trust Your Inner Voice

You will know the true visions of your soul by the simple fact that they will not leave you alone. Trust them. Very often the issue isn’t clarity around the vision. You know who and what. (Don’t you?) The challenge is to courage to surrender to the vision and take bold action. Trust yourself. God […]

Truth: I Dare You.

I’m inspired by one of my Mastermind friends, Chelsey-Marie an amazing and super-talented brand-strategist and daring entrepreneur to play a little game with you today. In my book, Life Well Spoken (p.263) I share a technique that I love to use when I’m having a really hard time with gratitude. (If you’ve been on my […]

I’d Rather Sleep At The Airport

Traveling always offers opportunity to listen to your intuition, and for me this latest trip was no different. Bottom-line lessons learned on this trip: Free is rarely a good deal-if you value quality. If you find yourself worrying what others will think, rationalizing, justifying, going numb or dissociating just to be able to tolerate whatever […]

Feeling Funky? You’re Not Alone!

Today’s article is for you folks who are really feeling rocked by the astrological events of the past month or two-a lunar eclipse April 15th, the “grand cross” on the 22nd/23rd, a solar eclipse on the 28th, and numerous other fun opportunities for getting in alignment that the Universe has dished up recently! 😉 It’s […]

How To Work Small Range For Huge Gains

Successful people choose to do mostly small and seemingly inconsequential actions everyday that bring them closer to their dreams that 95% of people don’t, or won’t, choose to do. I love my Barre 3 class. (I promise this story will relate to your business & mindset and not just about my abs!) If you’ve never […]

Low Self-Esteem Is a Choice

Today’s article is not an article. 🙂  It’s a recording!  Specifically it’s the first call from our Inner Voice Circle. In this recording you’ll learn: The TLC Turnaround™ (Or how to connect to your Inner Voice anywhere, anytime) How we communicate energetically (and how to stop taking on other people’s crap) Why discerning between the […]