What is the value of your business?
💰 As part of the dissolution of my marriage, we have to list the value of our assets, this includes my business. I met with a woman who helps people sell their businesses to figure out the market value of my business. (In case you’re thinking about this, I can definitely recommend her!) When we […]
White Shadows

In the Human Design Bodygraph, the white areas of our chart are our where we will experience our deepest conditioning forces. They are our shadows and distractions. These shadows and conditioning forces are so deep we often cannot see them, until we know what to look for. I’ve been thinking about white privilege (specifically mine) […]
I know why you’re afraid to be seen.

I know why you are afraid to be seen. It’s not about you, but it has everything to do with you… 6th grade: I sat on a bench inside the main doors of my middle school, sick to my stomach. Something I had eaten, or maybe it was period cramps – either way the nurse […]
Energy Activism
I am an Energy Activist. It means actively managing my energy, including my beliefs, my biases, and opening my heart – even when my mind wants to shut it down, and shut others out. Discernment vs. judgment is a moment-to-moment practice: I’m discerning awareness (intuition) vs. the story my mind makes up about the awareness. […]
Mindset: what if it isn’t all about beliefs?
I’ve had a lot of conversations with clients over the past couple weeks where they brought up the issue of their limiting beliefs and fears that keep coming up (even after they thought they *dealt* with them in the past). Sound familiar to you as well? I know it does to me, and believe me […]
This changed everything for me
I’ve been practicing what I preach by coming into alignment with my own design, (it’s an ongoing process after all!) and as I have been doing what I teach my clients to do, things are working and going more smoothly as I get more and more in alignment – more clients, more income, more clarity, […]
When Puking Is A Sign You’re On The Right Track
At Darla LeDoux’s event in Vegas 2 weeks ago I saw Suzanne Evans speak. She’s a riot! And extremely successful. (Here’s a pic of Suzanne & Jimbo Marshall of Hell Yeah Studios on stage). Suzanne shared that at one point in her business she invested several thousand dollars a month more than she was currently […]
Develop Focus Like A Black Hole
We just finished our last phone session of the Lead By Design course on Monday and one of the participants had a great question/observation. Before I share what it is, let me give you more context. (You can find this information in my book, Life Well Spoken by the way!) We were studying the Aligndsetâ„¢ […]
Is Your Energy Killing Your Sales?
I recently read the following letter in an email of a well-known (and incredible) coach – David Neagle. I thought his answer was great AND I had a different perspective in the answer. You can read David’s response in the link below… “Hi David, I recently spoke in front of a group of about 100 […]
Why you can’t decide, and what to do about it.
Decisions. Decisions. So many decisions. Wouldn’t it be great to know how to decide and just take action then move on? To take action without second-guessing yourself or wondering what if?? You can. You CAN trust yourself. Today I’m going to tell you how. First you must learn how to make decisions. Second you must […]