Tedx Lesson #1: An idea worth spreading is an idea worth surrendering to
One of the most powerful lessons I learned from my Tedx experience is how one idea can radically transform your life…if you allow it. When I applied to speak at TedxBend, I wanted to talk about the Inner Voice. I had been kicking around the idea for a couple years prior to that of applying […]
How To Work Small Range For Huge Gains
Successful people choose to do mostly small and seemingly inconsequential actions everyday that bring them closer to their dreams that 95% of people don’t, or won’t, choose to do. I love my Barre 3 class. (I promise this story will relate to your business & mindset and not just about my abs!) If you’ve never […]
When Puking Is A Sign You’re On The Right Track
At Darla LeDoux’s event in Vegas 2 weeks ago I saw Suzanne Evans speak. She’s a riot! And extremely successful. (Here’s a pic of Suzanne & Jimbo Marshall of Hell Yeah Studios on stage). Suzanne shared that at one point in her business she invested several thousand dollars a month more than she was currently […]
Why you can’t decide, and what to do about it.
Decisions. Decisions. So many decisions. Wouldn’t it be great to know how to decide and just take action then move on? To take action without second-guessing yourself or wondering what if?? You can. You CAN trust yourself. Today I’m going to tell you how. First you must learn how to make decisions. Second you must […]
Bare Legs And Heart
Oy. The past couple weeks have presented numerous opportunities to grow and step out of my comfort zone. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been amazing. One of the ways I stepped out of my comfort zone was to wear a dress while delivering a keynote address. For some of you this may seem […]
Most people would rather die than…
“According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” Jerry Seinfeld Yep, Most people would rather die than […]