Scared Blind
I had the stye from hell. It was so big and annoying. It wouldn’t go away. I had it for a whole month and now it’s finally diminished enough to say it’s healed up. My eyelid was so swollen I could hardly see for a couple days. The eye doctor said I might have to […]
Integrity: It’s a Choice, And That Sucks
Don’t you just wish people would stand by their word? Personally, I’d like to believe it’s just a given, and as certain as night follows day, people will act in integrity all the time across all situations. Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Maybe those people who don’t stand by their word are folks closest […]
Pick A Horse And Ride It
Passionate Choices Lead To Potent Consequences* I had an uneasy realization this past weekend. I’ve been addicted to the Aha’s. The breakthroughs, the process, the dramatic realizations and discovery of personal truth. There’s nothing wrong with those things in general, in fact they are awesome and totally part of the journey. But I found myself […]
Retreat & Retrieve
I’m writing this week’s article from 35,000 feet on my way to Minneapolis for a retreat with my coach and mastermind group. Retreats are interesting for me because I almost always have some “breakdown” occur before, during or afterwards that ultimately allows me to propel forward. These breakdowns are really just me fighting letting go […]
13 Tips For Thru-Hiking Your Business
The Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) and Appalachian Trail (AT) are getting more well-known with the number of people hiking them and writing books about their experience. I have to say, I find it annoying. For a couple reasons: My boyfriend, Mike, and I hiked the PCT in 2001, we spent 4 months thru-hiking it from […]
What is it costing you to be virtuous?
Do you like to be thought of as patient, tolerant, and willing? Yeah, me too. (Though I must admit, patience isn’t exactly one of the virtues I’ve cultivated over the years!) This week, to kick off my Lead From The Heart Program I’ve asked participants to make a list of what they’ve been tolerating in […]
Is your underwear inside out? A Reality Check.
Reality Check: Is Your Foundation in a Bundle? A couple of years ago I was working with a coaching client who was having a really off day. It was like everything she touched went haywire, and she was helplessly watching a lot of the things she had built fall away. It was so awful all […]
Claim Your Genius
Last month I wrote a blog post called “Claim Your Baggage” You can read it here. Today I’d like follow up on the theme of claiming what is ours. I believe that we need to own our baggage in order to release it. On the flip side, in order to share our genius, and celebrate […]
Out of the mouths of babes…
I was sitting with my kids at the PCC the other night eating dinner and a woman walked by with her baby on her hip. My youngest (Anja, 3yo) said: “Look Mama, she has a baby! She has a baby with her…isn’t the baby cute?” To which my son (Eli, 7yo) chimed in: “She is […]