50 Shades of Leadership: Vulnerable Leaders Unbind Yourselves!
My husband got me the book 50 Shades of Gray for my birthday last fall. Oh my. It’s not going to win any literary prizes, but it sure was an, ahem, interesting read. If you don’t know what it’s about I’ll sum up for you: Sex. Power. Control. Domination. Submission. You know, just your run-of-the-mill […]
There Is No Cure For Being Human
Over my 18+ years in the field of psychotherapy, I often felt – and believed – that MOST (not all) cases of depression and anxiety were at their core energetic blockages and spiritual “issues”, not necessarily biochemical. I still think that, perhaps even more so nowadays. ***Requisite Disclaimer*** If you are on medications DO NOT […]
How to Choose In order to Save Your Life (and Business!) part 2
In last week’s article I shared with you how the little voices of fear, doubt, shame, guilt, criticism, judgement, etc. are typically the ones making your decisions for you. How can I make such a bold claim? I’ll put it another way: Unless you know absolutely and with complete clarity that you are making decisions […]
How to Choose In order to Save Your Life (and Business!) part 1
I am fascinated by what motivates people to make a decision, then ask for accountability, then never follow through. I was talking to a friend recently, she shared that at a recent speaking event where she was keynoting there were 90 people in the room. She asked people to email her one action they would […]
How Can I Trust Myself?
Organizing your life and schedule starts from within, one decision at a time. ~KMP I was talking to a couple different clients yesterday about how they were feeling overwhelmed and too busy. They were looking at some of the commitments they had made to people and activities and wondering how they kept getting so busy […]
Arianna Huffington Speaks on Leadership
Today, I am letting Arianna Huffington (of the Huffington Post) explain what’s most important in life, leadership and success. I’ve attached the article by Ekaterina Walter and her interview with Arianna in full below, but here are three of her eight nuggets with my own comments 🙂 “We need space to innovate, think, and strategize. […]
Insight Doesn’t Equal Change
When I worked at the University of Washington at the Behavioral Research & Therapy Clinic a friend of mine and I were discussing what made people change. He was a behaviorist and focused more on what people do. At the time I was much more into the more philosophical and analytic approach which favored insight […]
How To Enroll Others In Your Vision
Enrolling others in your vision is what helps it to grow. Enrolling another person is a conversation about what’s possible, not about what’s wrong, or what happened in the past, or what could happen wrong in the future. It’s literally a conversation from one Inner Voice to another about passion, possibility, and expansion. When we […]
Your God-Given Ability: Are You Using It?
In today’s “article” I discuss the 4th aspect of the Inner Voice: Choice. I got positive response from last week’s video so decided to do it again this week. I’ll share with you a personal story about how choosing to align with your Inner Voice can clear up an “ego fencing” battle with someone you […]
Are you the doormat on the doorstep of your dream?
I was a doormat. There. I said it. Out loud. I was sitting on the doorstep of my dream, flattened by fear and letting the little voices of doubt, shame, guilt, fear, criticism, and judgement keep me from reaching up, turning the handle on the door of my dream, and opening the door to see […]