This changed everything for me
I’ve been practicing what I preach by coming into alignment with my own design, (it’s an ongoing process after all!) and as I have been doing what I teach my clients to do, things are working and going more smoothly as I get more and more in alignment – more clients, more income, more clarity, […]
Stop Man-handling Your Intuition
I’ll be honest with you, I have experienced massive doubt when it comes to my intuition, as I’m sure most of you have as well. One time, I became obsessed with getting “proof” that all my visions and meditations and experiences in the Akashic records and other times in my life & work were “real”. […]
Trust Your Inner Voice
You will know the true visions of your soul by the simple fact that they will not leave you alone. Trust them. Very often the issue isn’t clarity around the vision. You know who and what. (Don’t you?) The challenge is to courage to surrender to the vision and take bold action. Trust yourself. God […]
Truth: I Dare You.
I’m inspired by one of my Mastermind friends, Chelsey-Marie an amazing and super-talented brand-strategist and daring entrepreneur to play a little game with you today. In my book, Life Well Spoken (p.263) I share a technique that I love to use when I’m having a really hard time with gratitude. (If you’ve been on my […]
I’d Rather Sleep At The Airport
Traveling always offers opportunity to listen to your intuition, and for me this latest trip was no different. Bottom-line lessons learned on this trip: Free is rarely a good deal-if you value quality. If you find yourself worrying what others will think, rationalizing, justifying, going numb or dissociating just to be able to tolerate whatever […]
Low Self-Esteem Is a Choice
Today’s article is not an article. 🙂 It’s a recording! Specifically it’s the first call from our Inner Voice Circle. In this recording you’ll learn: The TLC Turnaround™ (Or how to connect to your Inner Voice anywhere, anytime) How we communicate energetically (and how to stop taking on other people’s crap) Why discerning between the […]
Develop Focus Like A Black Hole
We just finished our last phone session of the Lead By Design course on Monday and one of the participants had a great question/observation. Before I share what it is, let me give you more context. (You can find this information in my book, Life Well Spoken by the way!) We were studying the Aligndset™ […]
What is Love, Actually?
I am a healer. I always have been. It’s in my nature (and my design), I cannot help myself, I want to help, serve and support people – to love them. Perhaps you can relate? I know there are many healers out there reading this right now. Maybe that’s not what you do for your […]
What’s Your 2014 GAP?
In coaching we often speak of the “gap” – that place (in the middle!) between where a person currently is and where they want to go. The gap is often an uncomfortable place because there are no instructions or roadmap to get out on your own, and it feels like one obstacle after another. Most […]
Top Qualities of Powerful Leaders
Over the last month I had the great pleasure to interview 4 amazing women who are (or were) high-level leaders, executive coaches and consultants at Boeing, Goodwill, and the Military. Wow. They each had something unique to say about leadership and what it takes to be a great leader, and even though I asked them […]