sacral warrior...notes from the field

Lighthouse Marketing for Advisors/Projectors

Lighthouse Marketing for Advisors/Projectors

Talking with my Advisor (Projector) clients a few months ago* about being a Lighthouse and radiating their energy outward, we spoke about BEING an invitation to their ideal clients & customers.

Here’s how to begin (whether you know what your Human Design is all about or not):

Each day ask 2 things:
1) “Where are my invitations today? Please make them really obvious so I don’t miss them.”
(Then pay attention during your day!)

2) “What lights me up? What makes my light shine brighter?”
(Then do more of that, be with those people, and everything else, let it go.)

Be like a Lighthouse Keeper who tends the energy and light of your vehicle (your Design). That is your job. Shine your light out into the void, into the darkness and call those people, things, and experiences to you that you can contribute to, and that will light you up even more…then open to receive them.

Listen to the guided meditation here:…/human-design-projector-advisor-lig…


Advisors/Projectors: Want to know more about your Design and how to market as a Lighthouse?

Let me show you.

(Other types, you have your own unique marketing methods, I can show you those too…)

From My Heart to Yours,


*This post originally appeared on Facebook Nov 6th 2018.

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