Quantum Leaps Are Bullshit…or are they?
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. “Quantum Leaps” are one of the coaching industry’s biggest marketing myths. I see it all over the place: “I made a quantum leap in my business”; “My income increased 300 percent overnight!”; “I went to one class and my life was radically different afterwards.” “I […]
Is Your (Internal) Government Shut Down?
Let’s cut to the chase, after all you’re probably a little tired of those little voices waxing moronic as they to waste time, deflect responsibility, and “keep you safe” in the spirit of your constitution (“I’m just made this way, I can’t do anything about it, it’s how I roll”). Here’s how to know if […]
How Can I Trust Myself?
Organizing your life and schedule starts from within, one decision at a time. ~KMP I was talking to a couple different clients yesterday about how they were feeling overwhelmed and too busy. They were looking at some of the commitments they had made to people and activities and wondering how they kept getting so busy […]
Are you the doormat on the doorstep of your dream?
I was a doormat. There. I said it. Out loud. I was sitting on the doorstep of my dream, flattened by fear and letting the little voices of doubt, shame, guilt, fear, criticism, and judgement keep me from reaching up, turning the handle on the door of my dream, and opening the door to see […]
Freedom Is A Practice Not A Right
We on this continent should never forget that men first crossed the Atlantic not to find soil for their ploughs but to secure liberty for their souls. ~Robert J. McCracken First, I want to say I am eternally grateful for the men and women who left behind all they knew and took risks, even sacrificed […]
Integrity: It’s a Choice, And That Sucks
Don’t you just wish people would stand by their word? Personally, I’d like to believe it’s just a given, and as certain as night follows day, people will act in integrity all the time across all situations. Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Maybe those people who don’t stand by their word are folks closest […]
The Truth is In Your Closet
We recently participated in a huge recycling event. We’ve been cleaning out the garage and closets and letting go of things we’ve accumulated over the past 11 years in this house. (Has it really been that long since we lived out of backpacks for 4 months on the PCT, where I swore I wouldn’t carry […]
Why Therapy & Coaching Don’t Work (sometimes)
Why Am I Not Getting Better? There’s A Reason Why Therapy & Coaching Don’t Work (sometimes) what the heck is it? I was thinking on my run today that we humans are motivated by 2 main forces: love and fear, or put another way: possibility and pain. Most people get a therapist or coach or […]
Middle Mind Myth #3
These are the myths that keep us stuck in the middle. That crazy-making place of mediocrity, fogginess, and dashed dreams. I’m dropping some Inner Voice BombsTM to explode these myths and help us all move out of the middle and into becoming thought-leaders in our own lives. Middle Mind Myth#3: “I don’t have the money/ I […]
Emotional Follower, Middle Manager, Thought Leader: Which are you today?
I recently recorded a new Mp3 called Journey From Emotional Follower to Thought Leader. [If you haven’t picked it up yet, it’s part of my Breaking Free From The Middle Kit. You can get immediate access and download the recording on the right of your screen)] Here’s the Cliff-notes version: We live on a continuum […]