White Shadows

In the Human Design Bodygraph, the white areas of our chart are our where we will experience our deepest conditioning forces. They are our shadows and distractions. These shadows and conditioning forces are so deep we often cannot see them, until we know what to look for. I’ve been thinking about white privilege (specifically mine) […]
I know why you’re afraid to be seen.

I know why you are afraid to be seen. It’s not about you, but it has everything to do with you… 6th grade: I sat on a bench inside the main doors of my middle school, sick to my stomach. Something I had eaten, or maybe it was period cramps – either way the nurse […]
Master Manipulators and the “L” word: How to get out of their web
The “L” word that’s used by manipulative people: Why it’s so important to them, how they trap you – and how to free yourself from their web. While “love” is a strong word and is used quite frequently by manipulative people who don’t REALLY mean it, but who use it effusively and indiscriminately, there is […]
Your Design In Action
Hey there! I’ve had so many discussions with folks lately about their Human Design and how they compare themselves to others – usually wishing they could get things done the way other people do. It’s amazing how much judgement we can have about ourselves and how we operate. I recorded a video for you about […]
Mastering Illusion
Hey Soul Traveler! Ever feel like you aren’t sure you can trust your intuition when it comes to yourself as easily as you can trust it and be in the flow with your clients, friends, and colleagues? If so, I have an awesome *FREE* guided journey for you to help you navigate the twists and turns […]
Top 3 Questions to ask your Soul (and why you haven’t asked yet)
I recently posted on my FB page the following questions: If you could ask your soul anything, what would you want to know? and… If you hesitate asking your soul anything, why is that? I wasn’t too surprised about the responses because when I look at the conversations with my clients, friends, […]
Ever secretly wonder if your coach legit or full of sh*t? Part 3
How to find the right coach or consultant for you and get more value from your programs and sessions without creating more trauma or drama in the process. We’ve covered a lot so-far in Part 1 & Part 2 of this series. If you missed them, I encourage you to go back and read them. […]
Do you ever secretly think: I wonder if my coach is legit or full of sh*t? Part 2
How to find the right coach or consultant for you and get more value from your sessions without creating more trauma or drama in the process. Part 2 In Part 1 we looked at what you need to ask yourself before you find someone to work with (among other things!) In Part 2 we’ll look […]
Ever secretly wonder if your coach is legit…or full of sh*t?
How to find the right coach or consultant for you and get more value from your programs and sessions without creating more trauma or drama in the process. Billions of dollars are spent each year on personal and business coaching, counseling, and intuitive consulting. And with all this investing you’d think collectively we’d be a […]
Easy Listening
I’ve got some easy-listening for you today! Normally I don’t listen to radio or podcast shows where I’ve been interviewed after they are done and published. But something called me to listen to this one and I did so last night on my evening walk. There was so much covered in this podcast interview, and […]