Is your underwear inside out? A Reality Check.
Reality Check: Is Your Foundation in a Bundle? A couple of years ago I was working with a coaching client who was having a really off day. It was like everything she touched went haywire, and she was helplessly watching a lot of the things she had built fall away. It was so awful all […]
Why Therapy & Coaching Don’t Work (sometimes)
Why Am I Not Getting Better? There’s A Reason Why Therapy & Coaching Don’t Work (sometimes) what the heck is it? I was thinking on my run today that we humans are motivated by 2 main forces: love and fear, or put another way: possibility and pain. Most people get a therapist or coach or […]
Slimy Conversations: When the icky feeling isn’t yours but something you “caught” from others
Today’s post is short because I did a quick interview with Debby Handrich of Life Mastery Radio* about how we show up in our conversations really affects other people and our results. As you listen to this brief recording-it’s about 20min long, notice where you feel a charge. Are you typically the one “receiving” negative […]
Middle Mind Myth #3
These are the myths that keep us stuck in the middle. That crazy-making place of mediocrity, fogginess, and dashed dreams. I’m dropping some Inner Voice BombsTM to explode these myths and help us all move out of the middle and into becoming thought-leaders in our own lives. Middle Mind Myth#3: “I don’t have the money/ I […]
Conversations That Kill Possibility
Ever had one of these conversations in your personal life or business?** It started innocently enough. A couple text messages between us celebrating a win and a “date” with my husband, Mike, to discuss more later after he got home that night. I had no other plans to bring up an uncomfortable conversation we had […]
Emotional Follower, Middle Manager, Thought Leader: Which are you today?
I recently recorded a new Mp3 called Journey From Emotional Follower to Thought Leader. [If you haven’t picked it up yet, it’s part of my Breaking Free From The Middle Kit. You can get immediate access and download the recording on the right of your screen)] Here’s the Cliff-notes version: We live on a continuum […]
Creating A “Blizzard of AAH’s” in Your Business
You don’t know if you can until you are doing it. There is no other way. Create a crisis: a need or a problem that in the solving of it will call all of your skills, genius, and yes, even your courage and cojones to solve it…or die trying. ~KMP My husband, Mike, was […]
Middle Mind Myth #2
These are the myths that keep us stuck in the middle. That crazy-making place of mediocrity, fogginess, and dashed dreams. I’m dropping some Inner Voice BombsTM to explode these myths and help us all move out of the middle and into becoming thought-leaders in our own lives. Middle-Mind Myth #2: “My __________ (insert your who: spouse, […]
Ugly Sweaters & Favorite Jeans: Making Room For New Gifts
It’s time to make room for the new! Something I do with my kids around the holidays and their birthdays is go through the toys they are no longer using and pass on the ones they’ve outgrown, recycle the ones that can be recycled but no longer used, or trash the ones that are broken […]