I know why you’re afraid to be seen.

I know why you are afraid to be seen. It’s not about you, but it has everything to do with you… 6th grade: I sat on a bench inside the main doors of my middle school, sick to my stomach. Something I had eaten, or maybe it was period cramps – either way the nurse […]
Energy Vampires & Human Design

You’ve probably heard the term “energy vampire” or “energy sucker.” They are NO FUN to be around. Remember, we communicate energetically first and foremost, so there is a dynamic with energy vampires that happens waaaay before a word is even spoken, before you even meet these people face to face! Here’s the thing, you can […]
How important is your REAL voice?
Everyone has a story to tell – what voice will you use to share yours? With eleven “voices” in the Communication & Action Function (Throat Center), and an infinite combination of qualities (lines) and traits (gates) it’s easy to see how we all sound different from one another. As a speaker and communication coach, I’m […]
Energy Intelligence and your message
I missed writing an article last week because I was at a coaching intensive getting my ass kicked. It was awesome. (If you don’t currently have a coach, I highly recommend getting one. I have a few spots available in case you want to explore what it looks like to work with me). One of […]
Energy Activism
I am an Energy Activist. It means actively managing my energy, including my beliefs, my biases, and opening my heart – even when my mind wants to shut it down, and shut others out. Discernment vs. judgment is a moment-to-moment practice: I’m discerning awareness (intuition) vs. the story my mind makes up about the awareness. […]
Lighthouse Marketing for Advisors/Projectors
Talking with my Advisor (Projector) clients a few months ago* about being a Lighthouse and radiating their energy outward, we spoke about BEING an invitation to their ideal clients & customers. Here’s how to begin (whether you know what your Human Design is all about or not): Each day ask 2 things: 1) “Where are […]
The Art of Waiting: Your Super-Power Unleashed
You are a super-hero and you don’t even realize it. We each have a symbiotic relationship with our design. It’s like a super-hero space suit. It’s our version of the Incredible’sTM “super suit.” Our Soul resides in it, travels in it, and it has a unique energetic make-up and purpose that it contributes to […]
The Art & Science of Human Design
After studying Human Design for the past 7 years, one of the things that really strikes me is how fixated people are on the science of Design, and how they lose (or never got) the Art of HD. I’ve had clients come to me who have had technically accurate readings with other analysts (some trained, […]
How To Profit By Being You
Money and the making of it is on the forefront of every business owner’s mind. Oh, you may tell everyone you’re in it mostly to serve others or humanity, but if you’re being real with yourself you’ll see that if you’re not making money, you don’t really have a business. You may be helping others, […]