I know why you’re afraid to be seen.
I know why you are afraid to be seen. It’s not about you, but it has everything to do with you… 6th grade: I sat on a bench inside the main doors of my middle school, sick to my stomach. Something I had eaten, or maybe it was period cramps – either way the nurse […]
Energy Vampires & Human Design
You’ve probably heard the term “energy vampire” or “energy sucker.” They are NO FUN to be around. Remember, we communicate energetically first and foremost, so there is a dynamic with energy vampires that happens waaaay before a word is even spoken, before you even meet these people face to face! Here’s the thing, you can […]
Energy Intelligence and your message
I missed writing an article last week because I was at a coaching intensive getting my ass kicked. It was awesome. (If you don’t currently have a coach, I highly recommend getting one. I have a few spots available in case you want to explore what it looks like to work with me). One of […]