Are You Still making Yourself Wrong Because They May Be Right?

  I’ve been holding myself back.  Yep.  Playing small.  Letting my fear of what people will think rule my business. I have been watching myself shrink more and more as I have made bigger and bigger investments in myself, my business, and as I have gotten more clear about who I am and what I’m […]

Courage: A seed is all you need

I haven’t played with these cards* in several years.  Today I got the hit to pull them out again before I began writing.  Courage showed up in my reading this  morning and it perfectly describes the process of becoming a thought leader, of becoming conscious and aware and sharing our softness and vulnerability with the […]

The Movie Avatar: Learning To Fly Your Brand

Flying Your Brand   (The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book: Life Well Spoken: Free Your Inner Voice & Prosper. I’m sharing this as I unveil my new brand at and I’m reminded how much I LOVE the process of self-growth and exploration that business and branding provides.  It’s good soul medicine…) Finding […]