There Is No Cure For Being Human

Over my 18+ years in the field of psychotherapy, I often felt – and believed – that MOST (not all) cases of depression and anxiety were at their core energetic blockages and spiritual “issues”, not necessarily biochemical. I still think that, perhaps even more so nowadays. ***Requisite Disclaimer*** If you are on medications DO NOT […]

Quantum Leaps Are Bullshit…or are they?

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. “Quantum Leaps” are one of the coaching industry’s biggest marketing myths. I see it all over the place: “I made a quantum leap in my business”; “My income increased 300 percent overnight!”; “I went to one class and my life was radically different afterwards.” “I […]

Energy Speaks Louder Than Words

I’ve been working on how to share with people what I do and with whom. Going to a networking event where you have to stand up in front of the room is always clarifying, and the other day was no different! I now totally get why people say focus on the results you offer and […]

The #1 Regret Of The Dying

What do you think the #1 regret shared by the dying is? I wish I had a bigger house. (Nope.) I wish I had a faster car. (Not even close.) I would have liked to have had more money. (Um…No.) I wish I had bigger boobs, less wrinkles, and a butt that was so perky […]

Is Your (Internal) Government Shut Down?

Let’s cut to the chase, after all you’re probably a little tired of those little voices waxing moronic as they to waste time, deflect responsibility, and “keep you safe” in the spirit of your constitution (“I’m just made this way, I can’t do anything about it, it’s how I roll”). Here’s how to know if […]

Arianna Huffington Speaks on Leadership

Today, I am letting Arianna Huffington (of the Huffington Post) explain what’s most important in life, leadership and success. I’ve attached the article by Ekaterina Walter and her interview with Arianna in full below, but here are three of her eight nuggets with my own comments 🙂 “We need space to innovate, think, and strategize. […]

Insight Doesn’t Equal Change

When I worked at the University of Washington at the Behavioral Research & Therapy Clinic a friend of mine and I were discussing what made people change. He was a behaviorist and focused more on what people do. At the time I was much more into the more philosophical and analytic approach which favored insight […]

BE Love!

In today’s “article” I discuss the 5th aspect of the Inner Voice: Embodiment. Tying all the aspects together is embodiment. It’s fully surrendering, receiving, allowing, listening to, speaking from, acting from, choosing from, and enrolling others into your heart-felt vision, through BEING your Inner Voice. You know, one of the things I love best about […]

Your God-Given Ability: Are You Using It?

In today’s “article” I discuss the 4th aspect of the Inner Voice: Choice. I got positive response from last week’s video so decided to do it again this week. I’ll share with you a personal story about how choosing to align with your Inner Voice can clear up an “ego fencing” battle with someone you […]