This changed everything for me
I’ve been practicing what I preach by coming into alignment with my own design, (it’s an ongoing process after all!) and as I have been doing what I teach my clients to do, things are working and going more smoothly as I get more and more in alignment – more clients, more income, more clarity, […]
Stop Man-handling Your Intuition
I’ll be honest with you, I have experienced massive doubt when it comes to my intuition, as I’m sure most of you have as well. One time, I became obsessed with getting “proof” that all my visions and meditations and experiences in the Akashic records and other times in my life & work were “real”. […]
I’m woo. Are you?
After a recent and sudden tragic loss of someone important to me and my family I was out walking to clear my head. I was feeling overwhelmed, sad, and ungrounded. I had the thought “I need to pull myself together!” And immediately I heard a voice in my head, soft and soothing, say “and what […]
Can We Love Unconditionally?
Truth: I LOVE my kiddos, and of course I love them unconditionally, but, and this is hard to say… sometimes I SHOW IT CONDITIONALLY. It happens to the best of us – until we understand what’s happening and stop the pattern. It isn’t pretty. I wish I could say I’m one of those totally enlightened […]
I’d Rather Sleep At The Airport
Traveling always offers opportunity to listen to your intuition, and for me this latest trip was no different. Bottom-line lessons learned on this trip: Free is rarely a good deal-if you value quality. If you find yourself worrying what others will think, rationalizing, justifying, going numb or dissociating just to be able to tolerate whatever […]
Feeling Funky? You’re Not Alone!
Today’s article is for you folks who are really feeling rocked by the astrological events of the past month or two-a lunar eclipse April 15th, the “grand cross” on the 22nd/23rd, a solar eclipse on the 28th, and numerous other fun opportunities for getting in alignment that the Universe has dished up recently! 😉 It’s […]
Is Your Energy Killing Your Sales?
I recently read the following letter in an email of a well-known (and incredible) coach – David Neagle. I thought his answer was great AND I had a different perspective in the answer. You can read David’s response in the link below… “Hi David, I recently spoke in front of a group of about 100 […]
Top Qualities of Powerful Leaders
Over the last month I had the great pleasure to interview 4 amazing women who are (or were) high-level leaders, executive coaches and consultants at Boeing, Goodwill, and the Military. Wow. They each had something unique to say about leadership and what it takes to be a great leader, and even though I asked them […]
Highly Sensitive Person = A Blessing and A Curse
Growing up, my sister was the “sensitive one.” I was tough, defensive, a loner, and there was no way I was going to be sensitive and admit that I needed anyone or allow myself to feel things deeply or acknowledge that I experienced far more than I let on. No. Way. Sensitive meant wimpy, soft, […]
Because You Said “Yes”
The other day I was thinking about leadership, influence, and power and wondering to myself why so many people feel as though they are powerless, or don’t see how they make a difference in the world and the lives of others. Oh, you may be thinking to yourself “I know I make a difference.” But […]