Fear is NOT Your Birthright
I’m mad. Really mad. It’s time you got mad too. Why? Because fear has got you by the ovaries. I’ve talked to you. I’ve listened to your dreams, your visions, your goals. I’ve heard what stops you. I’ve heard the excuses, “there’s not enough (money/time/belief) and the “oh it’s not so bad” comment to wave […]
The Truth is In Your Closet
We recently participated in a huge recycling event. We’ve been cleaning out the garage and closets and letting go of things we’ve accumulated over the past 11 years in this house. (Has it really been that long since we lived out of backpacks for 4 months on the PCT, where I swore I wouldn’t carry […]
Do you know how to tell the Big D to F-off?
Doubt. It never goes away. It changes form. It may get bigger or smaller depending on where you’re at in your life or business. But it never totally goes away. Doubt is sometimes like driving with the brake on. And sometimes it’s like a big “U-ey” on the highway of success. One minute […]
Is your underwear inside out? A Reality Check.
Reality Check: Is Your Foundation in a Bundle? A couple of years ago I was working with a coaching client who was having a really off day. It was like everything she touched went haywire, and she was helplessly watching a lot of the things she had built fall away. It was so awful all […]
Who Wants To Be A Thought Leader Anyway?
Last week, Lynn Baldwin-Rhoades of Power Chicks, asked me a few questions about thought leaders, intuition and how thought leaders are just PR-created forces in the marketplace. What do you think? Here’s what I think: Q: As a culture, we’re becoming increasingly tuned into the natural strengths of that women bring to leadership. But I […]
Are You Still making Yourself Wrong Because They May Be Right?
I’ve been holding myself back. Yep. Playing small. Letting my fear of what people will think rule my business. I have been watching myself shrink more and more as I have made bigger and bigger investments in myself, my business, and as I have gotten more clear about who I am and what I’m […]
Courage: A seed is all you need
I haven’t played with these cards* in several years. Today I got the hit to pull them out again before I began writing. Courage showed up in my reading this morning and it perfectly describes the process of becoming a thought leader, of becoming conscious and aware and sharing our softness and vulnerability with the […]
The Movie Avatar: Learning To Fly Your Brand
Flying Your Brand (The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book: Life Well Spoken: Free Your Inner Voice & Prosper. I’m sharing this as I unveil my new brand at krisprochaska.com and I’m reminded how much I LOVE the process of self-growth and exploration that business and branding provides. It’s good soul medicine…) Finding […]
Why Therapy & Coaching Don’t Work (sometimes)
Why Am I Not Getting Better? There’s A Reason Why Therapy & Coaching Don’t Work (sometimes) what the heck is it? I was thinking on my run today that we humans are motivated by 2 main forces: love and fear, or put another way: possibility and pain. Most people get a therapist or coach or […]
Slimy Conversations: When the icky feeling isn’t yours but something you “caught” from others
Today’s post is short because I did a quick interview with Debby Handrich of Life Mastery Radio* about how we show up in our conversations really affects other people and our results. As you listen to this brief recording-it’s about 20min long, notice where you feel a charge. Are you typically the one “receiving” negative […]