Are Your Investments Appreciating?

  I was standing in my kitchen yesterday thinking about the investment I made recently in hiring a business coach for the next year.  Intuitively, I  knew-and know, it’s the best investment I’ve made yet in my business.  But my rational mind was having a hard time catching up with that idea so I played […]

Comfortable Doesn’t Equal Success

  When was the last time you made a decision in your business or your life that made you want to puke? Seriously. Think about the last time you made a big decision.  Don’t remember one off the top of your head?  Then I’m venturing a guess that you are feeling comfortable. Maybe a little […]

Who Are You Being In 30 Seconds?

Today’s video includes 3 tips for networking–specifically that pesky 30-60 second elevator pitch/intro.  Hint: It’s not necessarily about what you have to say, it’s all about who you’re Being. I didn’t say this in the video, but one tip I will add is this: if you tend to ramble for 60 seconds or go over […]

Are You Abusing Your ‘Substance’?

  Give your substance where it can do most good.” ~Raymond Holliwell First, let’s define ‘substance’.  Here’s how I define it: Your substance is your genius, services, talents, gifts, time, energy, insights and intuitions.  It’s your advice, feedback, and for better or worse, your opinions.  Substance abuse can be subtle or totally obvious.  An obvious […]

Is What You Can’t See Hurting You?

  “Who will I BE when I get there?” This is one of the biggest causes of limbo on the path to transformation and living your purpose and vision. Watch the video and find out how this works…. Yea, I know.  I’m having a bad hair day and the video is crappy quality.  But the […]

Speak Like The Wind & Water

I was just out for a walk in the beautiful fall sunshine and thinking “What would the world be like if we humans could speak freely, as freely as the wind blows or the water flows?” The wind and the water do not edit themselves, nor do they hold themselves back for fear of offending […]

The Power of Vulnerability

It’s Here!  Hot off the press, it’s the fall issue of Wake Up Girl! Magazine: Open publication – Free publishing – More business I have an article on the power of vulnerability in there, nestled amongst amazing articles by powerful women and thought leaders in business. I feel very blessed to share the ink with […]

Listen Before You Speak

  Confession time.  It’s been awhile since I wrote.  I needed to regroup… I got derailed this summer.  I spent a huge amount of time, energy, and resources putting together a booth at the eWomen Conference in Dallas (back in July). It was my first booth.  Despite the stress of getting ready, in many ways […]

Wake Up Girl!

  Something to add to your summer into fall reading list: Wake Up Girl Magazine’s summer edition is out!  You can read it here: I wrote an article for the magazine called “It’s Not About The Money and Other Lies That Keep Us Poor” Debbie Whitlock, Financial Wizard, entrepreneur and the Executive Director of […]

Claim Your Genius

Last month I wrote a blog post called “Claim Your Baggage” You can read it here. Today I’d like follow up on the theme of claiming what is ours.  I believe that we need to own our baggage in order to release it.  On the flip side, in order to share our genius, and celebrate […]