Podcast E9: Helping People Pleasers

I speak with Amy Turner, a Rapid Transformational Therapist. We talk about helping people pleasers and over-deliverers, even if we are one ourselves…

I know why you’re afraid to be seen.

I know why you are afraid to be seen. It’s not about you, but it has everything to do with you… 6th grade: I sat on a bench inside the main doors of my middle school, sick to my stomach. Something I had eaten, or maybe it was period cramps – either way the nurse […]

Podcast E8: Having Radical Accountability

Today I speak with Stefanie Joseph, a Mindful Mentor. She helps her clients connect with their true selves, and we talk about cutting out the beliefs and behaviors that come from other’s expectations…

Podcast E7: Profit with Purpose

Today I speak about profiting with purpose – the idea that prosperity and profit can be experienced together, by design…

Podcast E4: Provoking Others Towards Truth

Today we cover how useful mindfulness can be in your personal and business life, why it’s important to provoke people towards thinking about uncomfortable truths, and how to experience life in the moment.

Podcast E3: Finding Your Energetic Match

Today I speak with Julia Armet from thehigherplaybook.com about what it’s like to be a generator, and how to find yourselves with people and in situations that are an energetic match…

Energy Vampires & Human Design

You’ve probably heard the term “energy vampire” or “energy sucker.” They are NO FUN to be around. Remember, we communicate energetically first and foremost, so there is a dynamic with energy vampires that happens waaaay before a word is even spoken, before you even meet these people face to face! Here’s the thing, you can […]