sacral warrior...notes from the field

Podcast E6: Using Our Power for Ourselves

Podcast E6: Using Our Power for Ourselves

Welcome to episode 6 of the Living By Design Podcast!

Today I speak with Jon-Paul Rippetoe, an Alchemist Life Coach. He brings energy balance and bliss to his client’s lives not only through 1:1 sessions with their internal energy, but also with the external energy of their homes and offices. He is an author and speaker, and today we put him under the microscope of his human design in a way that will probably resonate with many of you too!

Watch the episode HERE.

Human Design Podcast

In This Episode We Cover:

  • Why your ‘white’ areas in energy can be both your weakness but also your strength
  • How people experience a full tantric channel
  • Being ‘visible’ in the world – especially in our work and how our design can influence this
  • How to manage your own energy & power – especially as a healer – without giving it all away and getting depleted

…and much more!

Be sure to grab a copy of your own chart so you can follow along!

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