sacral warrior...notes from the field

How does Your Human Design Influence Your Marketing?

How does Your Human Design Influence Your Marketing?

Your Human Design influences EVERY aspect of your life. Why? Because it is literally your energetic blueprint, which in my world translates into how you communicate both internally (in your own mind, body, emotions, and spirit) and externally (with the world around you).

I can’t tell you how many times I have sat with someone who was struggling in their marketing, their mindset, their business model as well as their purpose and through looking at their Human Design (along with a little extra insight from their Soul Design) they learned small tweaks and slight shifts that radically transformed:

  • Their feeling about themselves and what they offer
  • Their confidence in who they are and their purpose
  • Why they are best suited to do what they feel called to do (and how to do it in alignment with their design)
  • Their communication with loved ones
  • Their marketing strategy and how best to show up and share their genius with others
  • How they deal with the emotional ups & downs of building a successful business

…and so much more.

Recently I had the great pleasure of being hosted by Angella Johnson on one of her Intuitive Marketing online gatherings. We did the interview on zoom and had people from all over the world (the Aussies win for getting up the earliest to join us live!)

This video is jam-packed with lots of great information and insights. (I even heard at least one person was in tears afterwards because the information I shared was so healing for her and she finally understood why what she was doing wasn’t working!)


I hope you get a fresh perspective and what you can tweak yourself in your marketing. If you would like to get a reading for yourself and your business you can check out the readings HERE.

From My Heart & Soul to Yours,



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