sacral warrior...notes from the field

Mastering The Laws of Communication

Mastering The Laws of Communication

I’ve got a couple special items for you today:

#1 is the second session of Off The Couch With Kris

In this session you’ll learn the soul implications of healing communication between yourself and others and learn my life motto(do you think it matches yours? Watch and find out!)


Also, next week I’m doing a no-cost live training and healing activation session called:

Mastering The Laws of Communication
Change Your Words. Change Your Vibration. Change Your Life.

End miscommunication breakdown and recover faster so you can stay connected and feel ease
and freedom in your relationships and life!

In this experiential training you will:

  • Understand the 4 little known, but CRITICAL, “laws of communication” and how working with these laws will get you the results you desire – no matter the situation.
  • Learn the 4 levels of Healing Communication, and which one you need to address first to experience freedom – in your Spirit, in your relationships, and in your life.
  • See how “unfinished business” conversations are draining your energy, time, and money and how to complete them in order to be free without ever talking to the other person! (This is especially helpful when the other person(s) is unreachable due to drugs/alcohol, physical/mental illness, death or distance).
  • Learn how miscommunication doesn’t end at death and how to free yourself and your loved ones.
  • Experience a powerful healing activation to help you get unstuck, shift your vibration and feel lighter – especially with your loved ones!

Join us live on the call and we’ll send you a copy of Kris’ book, Life Well Spoken: Free Your Inner Voice & Prosper

This training session, healing activation, and mini laser coaching session is all inspired by my most recent work – I’m thrilled to share it with you!

If this speaks to you at all click HERE to be registered for the call.

From My Heart to Yours,

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