sacral warrior...notes from the field

Stop Man-handling Your Intuition

Stop Man-handling Your Intuition

I’ll be honest with you, I have experienced massive doubt when it comes to my intuition, as I’m sure most of you have as well. One time, I became obsessed with getting “proof” that all my visions and meditations and experiences in the Akashic records and other times in my life & work were “real”.

Although I had rich and clear visions, could see my guides clearly and got clear & accurate information in the records, I decided one day that that wasn’t enough and I had to get something more solid, more substantial, something I could unequivocally say was “legitimate”. (Whatever that is, because honestly I don’t even know what I thought would qualify as legitimate in the world of spirit-I only had my own personal experience which I had been comparing to other people’s experiences and had been discounting myself and my experiences because they were “different”). Basically, I just wanted some sort of degree or certification that would allow me to say “yes, I am a professional intuitive/psychic and all that stuff that goes on in and around me is real.” STAMP! (With red wax, of course).

Spirit, and our intuition don’t work that way though. There is a certain amount of faith that is inherent in the process, and then there’s exercising and building the intuition muscle as well – which ironically happens through surrender. Spirit also has a sense of humor and will knock you down a notch or two if you’re too cocky or on the opposite end of the spectrum, too unsure of yourself.

Seeking (more like my ego needing) proof, I entered the records as usual and darn if I didn’t see a thing. I didn’t sense anything, it was like the records were closed for business. I checked my entry point again, got re-grounded, did my breathing and prayer again and still…nothing. Just blackness and quiet. After a few moments out of the quiet a thought came…sort of sneaking up on me and then like a 2×4 WHACK!

“Disbelief blocks proof. Proof does not create belief.”

Oh. Huh. Guess I had it all backwards. Immediately I thought of all the times I had seen and heard and felt the presence of my angels, guides, and intuitive insights and all the ways the records revealed the information I sought, when I simply trusted and acted as a confident, capable, reader. Immediately the lights came on and my guides were right there, eager to get to work.

Your intuition is just like this. It is guiding you everyday, every step of the way – if you will let it. Stop needing proof and proof will reveal itself to you. You can still seek proof, but without attachment, without need.

Your sixth sense is delicate, sensitive, and doesn’t appreciate being man-handled and forced to prove her worth, value, and especially her existence. Trust her, court her, and she will guide you confidently in the direction of your highest path & purpose.

From My Heart to Yours,

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