sacral warrior...notes from the field

Context Is Everything

Context Is Everything

Context.  It’s a word I’ve been rolling around in my mind and experience lately.

In fact, I was sharing with my Inner Voice Circle the insight I got recently about how context is developed and why it’s so important to understanding just where you are so you can figure out where to go next!

Context helps you know exactly how to find your way back to the places you really like and avoid those routes that just bring confusion and getting lost.

Below is an excerpt of the Inner Voice Circle call. We were discussing Mercury Retrograde and how the energy has been building since last December and calling us all to be radically honest with ourselves and authentic in all that we do.  The margin for “error” (in this case misalignment) is getting smaller and smaller and people, perhaps even you yourself, are feeling squished if they are not in the right line of work, right relationship, or using their gifts & genius in the way they are designed.

In the brief recording one of the members chimes in and gives her 2 cents as well-I asked her if it was OK to share with you her insights and she said “YES!”

You’ll want to listen in if:

  • You’ve been having hard time getting clear on your goal/vision/dream
  • You’ve caught a glimpse of that vision, but aren’t sure how to get there or what makes you qualified to do it
  • You’re feeling a little lost, and want a roadmap
  • You’re ready to launch a new direction in your life/work

Click HERE to listen to the recording: (It’s about 8 minutes long)


*Fun note-I was asking my husband about a colloquialism related to this article/ recording (without telling him the content or why I was asking) and as he thought about the saying and where it originated he said, “I’m trying to recall the context…”

I rest my case.

From My Heart To Yours,


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