๐ฐ As part of the dissolution of my marriage, we have to list the value of our assets, this includes my business.
I met with a woman who helps people sell their businesses to figure out the market value of my business. (In case you’re thinking about this, I can definitely recommend her!)
When we looked at revenue/expenses and debt ratio (my business is debt-free, YAY!) plus the value of the programs I offer, it looked pretty damn good on paper. (Over six figures by her quick calculation) I felt a little twinge of pride and ego at this, I won’t lie.
Then she asked “If you were to sell your business is there a list of clients (like a dentist or doctor or lawyer might have) that could be transferred to another person? Could someone do what you do?”
I went on to explain: “Because my clients don’t just hire me because of what I know, they hire me for who I am.
They also hire me for the 10 years experience & study + certifications in Human Design;
…for the 25+ years of clinical experience as a therapist;
…for the secondary certification in coaching even though I already have a master’s degree in psychology;
…for how I blend my understanding of psychology and trauma-related issues in business, trusting one’s intuition, and relationship dynamics at home and work;
…for how I teach Human Design as a tool for profound healing and the ethical responsibility we have as consultants with this powerful system;
…and for all the years of study, investment and practical application as an entrepreneur and an artist.
And you know what she said?
“Well, while that’s all awesome and it sounds like you’re really good at what you do, it greatly reduces the value of your business.”
She finished by saying:
“In fact, the market value of your business as it is, is zero.”

And there it was, in black and white.
And I got in this deeply paradoxical way that I’m priceless.
For so long I have subconsciously thought that the ratio of debt to income or the balance of my accounts or even the value (or potential value) of the programs or coaching packages I sell determined MY value and worth.
๐ But they don’t. (And they don’t for you either, friend.)
And…to really call myself a legitimate entrepreneur (let alone a successful one) means that I have to build this big platform and create something that I could sell on the open market if I wanted to retire or do something else.
But it doesn’t (and it doesn’t for you either, unless you’re building a business for that specific reason).
Oh, other people can do Human Design classes, or coaching, or art therapy, or business coaching, or the other things I can do too, but no body does it just like me.
And nobody does it just like YOU either.
In fact, the more you understand just how frickin’ unique and amazing you are and claim it, live it, breathe it – without proving, without comparing yourself, and all the other little traps and distractions that we calculate our worth upon, you may find your business as a coach or consultant has little to no market value either, but YOU ARE, in truth, PRICELESS.
(I originally shared this as a post on my Facebook page and I got so many comments and people saying how helpful it was to get this message, I decided to post it here too. I hope it serves you as well.)